

Join us for a
buffet breakfast
Goodies Cafe
1470 Mosley Street @ 34th Street, Wasaga Beach.
Cost $7.00 (tax & tip included)

Our guest spealer will be:
Allan Thompson

"Alan was raised in Sarnia, Ontario in a church going family. He soon found that the world could offer many distractions that would keep him from the real issues of life. Sports, rock n roll, fast cars and drugs took his life away from the church and God. Jesus the true shepherd persued him through the wilderness and finally while hitch hiking through Europe, Allan bowed his knee to the Saviour acknowledging his need. Life has had its bumps and grinds but Jesus Christ has always been faithful to him."

Come and hear Allan share his story. Allan is the owner of Hearth & Leisure, a company based in Shelbourne, Ontario. www.hearthandleisure.com

Worship will be lead by Jan Carne and her team.

For more information or to RSVP please contact: John Lawrence (705)429-0883 johnlawrence101@sympatico.ca, Bruce Pike (705) 429-6043 bdpike@rogers.com or Jim Somerville (705) 429-9830 vikes@rogers.com

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